Tuesday, September 25, 2007

PLN 3-1

I have recently read an article posted by The Think Lab called Is Payment for Good Grades Legitimate Motivation in This Day and Age. I believe that payment is a good motivator but a bad tactic to use. A student should try to strive for good grades in hopes of a good future, not for money. If the only reason that you are motivated to get good grades is for money, then you will never truly be successful. Many students today will want to do better grade wise for money, but if that is their only motivator, they probably still won't work as hard as they really could if they were striving for good grades in hopes of a good future. Grades have become a low priority to many teens today which is horrible. They tend to not care so much about important grades that will help them achieve a good future. Maybe if you tempt them with money, then they will at least try a little harder, but if they truly don't care about their grades, they probably won't try their hardest. Personally, my parents give me money for good grades at the end of 2nd semester, but I don't strive for good grades for that reason. I care tremendously about my grades and even if my parents didn't award me with money, I would still strive to do my best.

"Overall, the gap of relevance seems to grow wider and wider between school
and life for most kids in most schools. While money (or even the promise
of acceptance into a 'good college') may offer a short-term incentive and even
be fair game in some settings, I wonder if we would be better served to invest
our energies and finances in re-imagining the original value proposition that
engendered school to society in the first place."

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